Forum Policy
This service agreement is a binding agreement between NGELGAMES, Co., Ltd ("NGELGAMES," "us," "our," "we,") and you ("you," "user", "player"). This agreement governs your use of or access to our forum, specific game websites, customer support, social media, community platforms and/or any online services by NGELGAMES whether you are a visitor or registered user. You shall be regarded as having read, understood, and accepted all the terms included in this Agreement via registering an account, visiting the community forum, using the community forum, browsing our websites, visiting any of our online services, or visiting any services provided by us through other means.
NGELGAMES reserves the right to amend or revise this Agreement at any time, and you agree to periodically review this Agreement for new terms. Please note that your continued use of our services constitutes your acceptance of the terms in the updated Agreement. If you do not agree to any of the terms in this Agreement, please do not use or access our services in any way, directly or indirectly.
By registering for an Account or otherwise using the Service, you represent that you are age 13 or older. If you are under the age of 13 or less, you represent that your legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to these Terms. Please be aware that our privacy policy limits us from providing certain types of Games or certain features of Games to children under the age of 13 or less unless we obtain consent from parents or legal guardians of the children. If you should access the service by linked account with Google or Apple, you shall comply with its terms of service/use as well as these Terms of Service.
1. Content on the Services
1.1. User Submissions
(a) Our services may include a variety of websites, forums, communities, the internet, or other forms of communication. This allows you to submit, publish, display, or transmit any type of materials ("User Submissions") on or through our services, including but not limited to any text, forum posts, chat posts, personal information, modules, information, hyperlinks, feedback, e-mail, music, audio files, graphics, images, videos, code, any visuals or sounds, or any other materials that appear on our services or hyperlinks that lead to our services. You undertake and warrant that image-related publications are original works of your own and that you have exclusive rights to the content, or that you have obtained authorization according to the aforementioned rights in User Submissions, including but not limited to the rights authorized under this Agreement.
(b) Although we are not obligated to monitor User Submissions, we reserve the right to monitor, filter, review, edit, and/or remove User Submissions that are offensive or inappropriate in any case without any prior notice. We have the right to terminate or suspend your access at any time to any user submission for any reason without prior notice.
(c) User Submissions shall not be illegal, fraudulent, deceptive, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing of intellectual property rights, harmful to third parties or inappropriate or objectionable, and shall not contain viruses, malicious scripts, plug-ins, software, or programs. You acknowledge that you will be solely responsible for your actions when using our services, including but not limited to any User Submissions you have made. You also acknowledge that under no circumstances will NGELGAMES be responsible for any User Submissions you have made. You further confirm that any User Submissions are not endorsed or controlled by NGELGAMES.
(d) You or the owner of your user content owns the ownership rights of the user content sent to us. We do not claim ownership of the content you publish on or through this service. You may share your content anywhere and with whomever you want. However, by submitting user content through the service, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, and sublicensable global license to host, use, distribute, modify, transmit, reproduce, or translate your content and derivative works of such content in a manner consistent with your settings for the purpose of providing our services, and to facilitate better dissemination of the content you publish.
(e) You declare and warrant that the information you have provided:
- is accurate, and not fraudulent or deceptive
- does not violate the rights of NGELGAMES and/or any other third parties (including but not limited to intellectual property rights).
2. Rules of Use
2.1 Rules and Policies
(a) You acknowledge and agree that when you use our services, you are subject to this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, both of which may be revised by NGELGAMES at any time in accordance with its policies.
(b) You acknowledge and warrant that you shall not, directly or indirectly, take or attempt to take any of the following actions related to the use of our services. Engaging in any of the following may result in a ban:
Using Inappropriate or Obscene Language and/or Images
- The use of inappropriate or obscene language and/or images in any forum content (titles, post info, comments, etc.).
- Including, but not limited to:
- Sexual remarks or inappropriate references to the human body
- Swearing/profanity
- Actions or Remarks that Implicate Bodily Harm or Life-threatening Behavior
- All actions that could inflict and/or reference inflicting harm to one’s self.
- Actions/threats of violence to other members or staff.
- References to extreme violence.
Harassment/Bullying or Slandering other service users or NGELGAMES.
Biased Remarks
Offensive, discriminatory, or hateful language targeted towards an individual or group based on, but not limited to:
- Race/ethnicity
- Religion/beliefs
- Sexual orientation
- Politics
Sexual Orientation
- Offensive, discriminatory, or hateful language targeted towards an individual or group based on their sexual orientation.
Discrimination or Hate Speech
- The use of language that promotes discrimination, whether directly or indirectly, based on race, ethnicity, country, religion, gender (including gender in social meaning), sexual identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, medical conditions (health), and physical characteristics.
Sharing/displaying other users’ personal info(name, address, contact number, etc.)
Spamming and/or Trolling
- Creating posts for the purpose of causing confusion and anxiety.
- Creating posts for fraudulence, false, misleading, or deception.
- Abusing the “Report” function.
- Using the same words and/or phrases repeatedly in discussions that are not relevant to the topic (gibberish).
- Constantly creating posts that link to other posts or websites.
- Advertisements to content not related to Tower of God: Great Journey.
- Creating posts with links to third-party websites.
Abuse or Hacking
- Sharing information about abuse, unauthorized third-party applications, and/or hacking tools.
- Spreading information about how to abuse game devices, payments, and/or billing systems.
- Distributing links to websites designed to cause damage, such as disabling or damaging computers, phones, and other devices.
- Providing links that show illegally copied (pirated) content.
Selling and/or trading accounts or game content.
Impersonating a Staff Member
- Pretending/claiming to be a game administrator, community manager, or any other type of employee to be working for Tower of God: Great Journey or NGELGAMES.
- Spreading false game information or news
Evading Sanctions/Suspensions
- Creating multiple accounts to avoid forum sanctions/suspensions.
- Any actions to evade sanctions/suspensions.
- Any actions restricted by NGELGAMES's Terms of Service. [Link]
(c) Except as expressly authorized by this Agreement, you may not make copies of all or any part of the content in our services and accompanying materials. Since the NGELGAMES services contain proprietary information, you agree to:
- keep all code and any technical elements of NGELGAMES services strictly confidential,
- not display, report, publish, disclose or otherwise transfer any of our non-public information, and/or
- subject to all applicable laws (including the Copyright Law of the United States and DMCA), not to use NGELGAMES services except for your personal entertainment and non-commercial purposes.
2.2 Restriction Points and Response
User access to the official forum may be restricted in the manner detailed below if the forum policies are violated. Restriction Points are accumulated and apply to all boards, posts, and comments.
(a) Restriction Points
Restrictions | Points |
Biased Remarks | 1 |
Discrimination or Hate Speech | 1 |
Harassment/Bullying or Slandering other service users or NGELGAMES. | 1 |
Sexual Orientation | 1 |
Sharing/displaying other users’ personal info (name, address, contact number, etc.). | 1 |
Spamming and/or Trolling | 1 |
Using Inappropriate or Obscene Language and/or Images | 1 |
Intellectual property infringement | 1 |
Selling and/or trading accounts or game contents. | 1 |
Impersonating a Staff Member | 5 |
Abuse or Hacking | 5 |
Advertising | 5 |
Evading Sanctions/Suspensions | 5 |
(b) Response by Accumulated Restriction Points
Response | Accumulated Points |
Deletion of the post/comment and a first warning |
1 |
Deletion of the post/comment and a second warning |
2 |
1 day ban |
3 |
7 days ban |
4 |
Permanent ban | 5 |
※ NGELGAMES will take legal action and contact the relevant authorities when threatening posts targeting other users or NGELGAMES employees are found. NGELGAMES takes criminal activity seriously and does not tolerate it.
※ Depending on the seriousness of the user's behavior, we can make the punishment stronger than these policies.
3. Account
3. 1. Linked Account
We encourage you to link your game account to Google or Apple because of such reasons below.
(a) It enables you to maintain your Game Account information even when you change your mobile device
(b) enables you to log in when you use NGELGAMES Service without creating a further account.
(c) When creating a Game Account, you may be required to provide NGELGAMES with certain personal information. This information will be held and used by our Privacy Policy.
(d) Visitors or guest accounts have limited rights to fully use the NGELGAMES Services.
3.2. Responsibility of Account User
You must not use anyone else's account or permit others to use your account at any time. You acknowledge and agree to accept full responsibility for all fees and purchases made through your account (including any unauthorized purchases) and agree to fully compensate us for any loss or harm that may result. NGELGAMES will not be responsible to you for any losses resulting from unauthorized access or use of your account, whether fraudulently or otherwise.
4. Privacy Policy
The collection of information from you and related to the Services (whether obtained through an App Market platform or not) is governed by our Privacy Policy at [Link]. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose information that we collect from and about you.
5. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
5.1. Reservation of Rights
Except as expressly authorized, any use of our services in whole or in part, without NGELGAMES's prior written consent, is strictly prohibited, and NGELGAMES reserves the right to terminate any authorizations granted under this Agreement. NGELGAMES expressly reserves the right to deny access to NGELGAMES services to anyone at any time for any reason without prior notice. You further agree that NGELGAMES has the right to suspend or terminate the operation of any services provided by us or change the content provided at any time for any reason without prior notice, and without any liability on NGELGAMES's part.
We reserve the right to monitor or intervene in user disputes, but it should be clear that the foregoing is not our obligation. Although we may choose to monitor and take action against inappropriate discussions, comments, or any related hyperlinks on our services, you are solely responsible for your own interactions with other users.
By using NGELGAMES services, you acknowledge and agree that from time to time there may be language or materials accessible on or via NGELGAMES services, which may be inappropriate, particularly for children, or may be offensive to some users of all ages, races, religions, and gender. You agree that under no circumstances will NGELGAMES be responsible for the inappropriate behavior or language of such users.
6. Updates and Notices
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, NGELGAMES will send notifications to users through one or more of the following ways (including but not limited to, official forum site notifications and announcements, NGELGAMES website, official channels, website notifications, mobile notifications, e-mail, or other contact information you have provided to NGELGAMES), to notify of content including but not limited to the rules, notifications, announcements, or other information related to the use of NGELGAMES services.
NGELGAMES reserves the right to modify or amend this Agreement in any way at any time without prior notice. You agree to periodically review the latest information and terms applicable to your use of NGELGAMES services, and you agree to be bound by all amendments. Your continued use of NGELGAMES services constitutes your acceptance of the most recently updated Agreement and any agreements or policies contained therein. If you disagree with any part of the Agreement or policy related to the use of NGELGAMES services at any given time, all authorizations in the agreement will be terminated and you shall immediately stop using NGELGAMES services.
7. Non-Transferability
Without prior written consent from NGELGAMES, you are not allowed to assign, charge, or subcontract the rights and obligations under this Agreement in part or whole through legal or other methods. Otherwise, NGELGAMES may, in its sole discretion, terminate the provision of services to you without prior notice. If the transfer cannot be restricted in your country/district or place of residence, this Agreement is still binding on you and the transfer recipient. Notwithstanding the provisions above, NGELGAMES reserves the right to assign, charge, or subcontract all or part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement at any time.
8. No Waiver
NGELGAMES failing to exercise or waive any rights, power, or privileges under this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of the exercise of any right, power or privilege by NGELGAMES. The unilateral or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege by NGELGAMES shall not be deemed to preclude the further exercise of any right, power, or privilege by NGELGAMES or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege.
9. Customer Support
If anyone has any questions regarding the rules or enforcement of the forum policy, please contact Customer Support[Link].
Updated Date: December 16th, 2023